Capitol building is open after three years

After three years and four sessions, the capitol building is open to the public once again.

The building will be open Monday - Friday, 7am-5pm. A photo ID will be now required for entry into the building. Face masks are recommended while visiting the capitol building and may be required in some conference rooms and other indoor spaces. Please refer to posted signage for guidance. Parking at the Capitol is limited to authorized personnel. Public parking is available in Lot V (Vineyard Garage on Punchbowl); Lot G (Kalanimoku Building on Beretania & Punchbowl); and Lot L (Kinau Hale Building on Punchbowl).

The Legislature will be accepting written, videoconference, and in-person testimony. Livestreams and on-demand recordings will be available for committee hearings and floor sessions.