Support SB2629 Proposed HD1: Coal-Free Hawaii

Hawaiʻi is on track to being 100% fossil fuel free by 2045 but a big part of that is ending coal power for our islands. Hawaiʻi has one last coal plant on Oʻahu, whose contract is set to expire in two years. The Sierra Club is supporting Senate Bill 2629, which has proposed draft language (called an HD1) that would ban the burning of coal beyond 2022 and make Hawai‘i coal free, once and for all.

Please submit online testimony to SUPPORT SB2629 PROPOSED HD1- Relating to a Coal Free Hawai‘i before Tuesday, March 17th at 9 am, when the bill will be heard in the House Energy Committee.

Here are easy steps to submit testimony:

1) Login or register your email address with the Hawaiʻi State Legislature.

2) Once logged in, click the submit testimony button, then enter SB2629 and click continue.

3) Fill out the testimony form by clicking the buttons: Support -> No -> Individual.

4) Enter the following sample testimony under the “Your testimony/comments on SB2629 SD2”:

I strongly support SB2629 Proposed HD1 to end the use of coal in Hawai‘i by 2023. Mahalo Chair Lowen and committee members for supporting this new proposed language to end the use of toxic coal in Hawaiʻi and for taking action for our clean energy future.

PLEASE NOTE: You must add written comments that specify you are in SUPPORT OF SB2629 PROPOSED HD1. There are two different bill drafts being considered, and only the House Draft 1 would actually end the use of coal in Hawaiʻi.

5) Click Submit and congratulate yourself for taking action in support of Hawai‘i’s coal free future!


The fact sheet below offers more information about Hawai‘i’s last coal plant and talking points you can use in your written testimony:
