Coal-Free Hawai‘i bill has another hearing Thursday!

This is the first time the “Coal-free by 2023” bill has been scheduled for a hearing in CPC. Call Chair Takumi and thank him for hearing this bill and then submit testimony in support for HB2657.

One of our top priorities - banning the use of coal in Hawai‘i starting 2023 - has its second hearing on Thursday, February 6th at 2 PM in the House Consumer Protection and Commerce Committee (agenda here). As you may know, the last coal plant in Hawai‘i, located in Kapolei on O‘ahu, has a contract with the Hawaiian Electric Company that terminates in 2022. We want to pass House Bill 2657 to ensure that this contract is not renewed, and that coal, the dirtiest source of fossil fuels, is eliminated in Hawai‘i once and for all.

Please submit testimony today in SUPPORT of HB2657- Relating to a Coal Free Hawai‘i at Then, call Rep. Takumi at 808-586-6170 and thank him for scheduling and supporting the Coal-Free Hawai‘i bill.

You can quickly submit “support” or add in talking points using the fact sheet below. Testimony in support matters for this bill, so please submit your support for HB2657 today.

AES Fact Sheet v1.png